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Link  —  Posted: March 21, 2014 in Uncategorized

If you are configuring TFS build service you might encounter to a problem that MSBuild drops all project to a single folder, and does not respect the individual project output config. To overcome this you can follow the approach. Worked for me

Jason Stangroome

Update: with .NET 4.5 there is an easier way.

A very common complaint from users of Team Foundation Server’s build system is that it changes the folder structure of the project outputs. By default Visual Studio puts all the files in each project’s respective /bin/ or /bin/<configuration>/ folder but Team Build just uses a flat folder structure putting all the files in the drop folder root or, again, a /<configuration>/ subfolder in the drop folder, with all project outputs mixed together.

Additionally because Team Build achieves this by setting the OutDir property via the MSBuild.exe command-line combined with MSBuild’s property precedence this value cannot easily be changed from within MSBuild itself and the popular solution is to edit the Build Process Template *.xaml file to use a different property name. But I prefer not to touch the Workflow unless absolutely necessary.

Instead, I use both the Solution Before…

View original post 309 more words

The problem: You need a nearest date or a record of a given date for which a record exist in the database.

An example would be you have 4 records in database
1. 11.09.2010 16:14:00
2. 11.09.2011 16:14:00
3. 11.09.2012 16:14:00
4. 11.09.2013 16:14:00
Now you want a record (from database) that is nearest to a given date, let’s say: 01-01-2011. And the LINQ -Enity framework code following:

DateTimeOffset nearTo = new DateTimeOffset(1, 1, 2011);
var selected =
DbEntitySet.Where(entity=> entity.SomeForeignKey == myKnownForeighKeyIfAny)
.OrderBy(entity=> Math.Abs(EntityFunctions.DiffSeconds(nearTo, entity.YourTimeSpanCOlumn).Value))

The code above filter outs all data for foreign key, orders the records based on the difference between your date and system date and takes the Top 1 or null if nothing found. And this will generate a sql if executed in Enity framework. If used in LINQ on memory object set then get rid of the EntityFunctions, so the order by line looks something like .OrderBy(entity => Math.Abs((nearTo - entity.YourTimeSpanCOlumn).TotalMilliseconds)

So here is the situation, In my work pc I have a Win7 64bit Prof. ed. in German. With the blessings of MSDN subscription we could download and install English version of VS2010(ultimate) and TFS and so fort. Also I installed (separately) .NET v4.0 just to make sure I could work in English, so did my colleague. After I started working, I found out that all messages(build, exception, etc. whatever comes from the framework, not VS) are in German. I was getting nuts with this, where is German coming from, from OS?? nah it shouldn’t. Although I understand the language more or less, its a different story when it comes to understanding technical error message in German!!!. I was bothering my colleague (Maxim Zabolotskikh, speaks fluent german) every now and then, hey maxim what does this error mean!!!

So I decided to solve the problem. I googled a bit and found a lot of people having a Dutch OS and English VS2010. And they were getting some expensive solutions, like upgrading the OS to Ultimate and install MUI pack for the language. After some luck I found something I like, although no one marked this as answer(stakeoverflow). A person suggested that go to control panel -> controls and features and you will find something called “Microsoft .NET framework 4 (XXX) Client Profile”, where XXX in my case was DEU. Uninstall this and if there is something else that you find with XXX language in framework version you are using, also get rid of them. And it worked!!!!! I got back english reply from .NET 🙂

The solution is quick and easy!! If you are not an administrator of your PC it be a bit tricky but still a free and simple solution.
Why did I make the blog sound like a story? So it’s not boring and you understand exactly what environment I had and the problem. Therefor its easier to see if the solution fits your problem context!!! Hope it helps.

Greeting from
Salzburg, Austria

when you change/add bibliography in latex you might see that the update is some-times not reflected on the output. Reason: the bbl file is not updated. To force select BibTeX in MikTex and run Latex.
Remember that it’s not LaTeX that generates the BBL, it’s BibTeX.
1. Run LaTeX to generate the AUX file. It adds a line every time it finds a cite.
2. Then run BibTeX (executable: bibtex) to generate the BBL (from the AUX lines).
3. Then run LaTeX again, which will include the BBL.
4. Then run LaTeX again to make any updates corresponding to including the possibly massive BBL (e.g., updating your final page count on each of your pages, updating your ToC, etc.).
I don’t recall if TeXShop attempts to do this automatically. If it doesn’t, you need to make sure you run BibTeX whenever you need to update your BBL.

NOTE: This entry I found in internet. I donot claim it as my solution 🙂

Euro Symbol in latex

Posted: September 6, 2010 in LaTEX, Tips and Tricks

If anyone tried to print euro sign in latex you already know there is no straight forward way to print euro [like the German umlaut’s {\ss} =ß, \”u = ü, \”a =ä and so on…]
To print € have to import a package in latex document. There are several so far.. among them eurosym and eurosans are the two better ones…
This creates the command \euro 10 = €10 which is always sans serif, but changes to bold and/or italic as needed. Which a lot of people might not like!!

Which leads to the second option:
20 \euro =20€ OR use like \EUR{10} = €10… take a little care for placement of the symbol… visit for more options
Personaly I like the package eurosym

Latex footnote inside table

Posted: September 3, 2010 in LaTEX, Tips and Tricks
Tags: , ,

It’s a bit wired if you try a footnote inside a table or float env. you will only see the foot note number but not the text.
There are some ways to solve this issue. The quick way is given by this person Stefan Koch which makes the table itself look clean.
“It is possible to use \footnotemark which will increase the counter by one automatically and then set the text via \footnotetext{text}. Works fine in my LaTeX-file.”

Another solution given by someone named Jason
something weird\tnote{a} & something even weirder\tnote{b}
\item [a] What is so weird?
\item [b] Oh that is what is weird

I would prefer the first solution as it requires less writing, But you have to take care of the sequences you write the \footnotetext has to follow the footnotemark!!


Posted: August 18, 2010 in Uncategorized

My Current Resume!!

Letter in LaTEX

Posted: August 14, 2010 in LaTEX, Tips and Tricks
Tags: , ,

This is a LaTEX format as template a cover letter for applying jobs I have been using…..
Gives awesome result.. Simple copy paste should work fine….
% Cover letter using letter.cls
\documentclass{letter} % Uses 10pt
\usepackage{charter} % uses charter font awesome
%\usepackage{helvetica} % uses helvetica postscript font (download helvetica.sty)
%\usepackage{newcent} % uses new century schoolbook postscript font
% the following commands control the margins:
\topmargin=-1in % Make letterhead start about 1 inch from top of page
\textheight=8.5in % text height can be bigger for a longer letter
\oddsidemargin=0pt % leftmargin is 1 inch
\textwidth=6.5in % textwidth of 6.5in leaves 1 inch for right margin
\signature{Syed Moshiur Murshed} % name for signature
\longindentation=0pt % needed to get closing flush left
\let\raggedleft\raggedright % needed to get date flush left

\begin{letter}{The person you are writing \\ % \\ gives a line break

{\large\bf Syed Moshiur Murshed} %prints the sender in top of letter center aligned
\medskip\hrule height 1pt
{my house number \\ D-73447, Oberkochen \\ +49(0)17645164152}
\end{center} \vfill % forces letterhead to top of page

\opening{Dear Sir/madam,}

\noindent Paragraph 1…. write something about you,,, greetings…. etc

\noindent Why are you writing?? what do you want..

\noindent This is another paragraph.. write finishing sentences.
\closing{Sincerely yours,}

\encl{is anything attached mention here} % Enclosures leave blank if nothing

Some jQuery Basics with checkbox:
$('input:checkbox[name=FileCheck]:not(:checked)', ".ValidFiles")
In the above case jQuery will return all(this case checkbox) element input of type checkbox with name FileCheck which are not checked AND has a css class name ValidFiles.

$('input:checkbox[name=FileCheck]:checked').each(function () { this.checked = false; });
In the above case it will look for all check boxes with the input name FileCheck and are CHECKED then make them uncheck.

$('input:checkbox[name=FileCheck]').each(function () {
this.checked = !this.checked;

This code block above will look for all check boxes with the name FileCheck and INVERT or SWAP check status
And here is the function I Implemented!!!!

function selectSelecterChange(index) {
//Get all checkboxes $('input:checkbox')
//Return all checked $("input:checked")
if (index == 1) { // Check all Unchecked
//alert($('input:checkbox[name=FileCheck]:not(:checked)', ".ValidFiles").length);
// Get only the boxes that are not yet checked!!!!!
$('input:checkbox[name=FileCheck]:not(:checked)', ".ValidFiles").each(function () { this.checked = true; });
if (index == 2)//Make all unchecked who are checked
$('input:checkbox[name=FileCheck]:checked').each(function () { this.checked = false; });
if (index == 3) { //Swap/ Invert Checked
$('input:checkbox[name=FileCheck]').each(function () {
this.checked = !this.checked;